The Arts and Culture Map is an online tool which geographically displays and promotes information about local arts, culture and heritage. This information includes facilities and spaces; festivals; public art; creative industries; artists; arts and cultural organisations; historical places and artworks held in Council collections.
The aim of both Cairns Regional Council's Arts and Culture Policy and the five year Strategy for Culture and the Arts 2022 is to "efficiently enhance, promote and develop our cultural programs and facilities, and join with our partners and the community in leveraging our collective cultural assets to build a vibrant and sustainable region."
The Arts and Culture Map provides a method to achieve these aims by working collaboratively with local governments and their communities to showcase the depth and breadth of the arts and culture within our region. In the lead up to the new Culture Strategy for the Cairns region, Cairns Regional Council undertook an arts and culture mapping exercise, which has led to the creation of this online resource. This website will continue to be developed and improved in a process driven primarily by the community.
Information on this website is sourced from local Councils and Contributors from the community. All information is approved by each Council subject to our guidelines.
In addition, some of the historical images used throughout the Cairns Arts and Culture Map website website were provided by the Cairns Historical Society.
You can use the Arts and Culture Map as a Visitor, or as a Contributor. Visitors can access map information online and also on mobile devices–please refer to the How do I Navigate the Website? section if you are having trouble navigating or searching the map.
Contributors are those people that submit information to go onto the Map and can refer to the How do I Create a Listing? section for assistance.
You may also refer to the downloadable User Guide linked at the top of this page for more information.
To report incorrect information please use the contact information on the Contact page.
Accessibility to venues should be stated in the description of the venue. If this is not the case, please contact the venue for further information.
There are eight different categories that you can explore:
Facilities and Spaces
Public Art
Historical Places
City Collections
Once you select the category that you want (please refer to the 'What are the Categories?' section to better understand what each category pertains to), you are taken to the map which shows what listings (e.g. resources, activities and items) are available within the region, and where they are located.
You can further refine your search by using subcategories. For example, within the Public Art category, you can refine your search to only show items that are sculptures, and therefore remove other forms of public art such as murals and mosaics from your view.
To access the subcategories, you must first go into the map, then select the down arrow for ‘Within a category’. This will give you an entire list of all the categories and subcategories that you can search. Select the one you want, and then select the search button. Alternatively, if you select a category from the Home page, then to see the list of subcategories click on 'All # Subcategories (click to change)' located under the name of the category and then select search.
You can also refine your search by typing in a specific address to see what is within a 100m radius of that location and can further refine it by also selecting a category/subcategory.
Finally, you can search for a keyword by typing into the ‘Keyword search’ bar and selecting ‘Search’. This will search for matching words in either the title or description of a listing. You can use these search methods independently of each other or use them in collaboration to get a very refined search.
When selecting a category or looking at the Map as a whole on a mobile device, the first thing you will see is a list of what is available. In order to see the map view, tap 'View Map & Hide Search Results' which is shown at the top of the list.
When using a mobile device, you can always access the main menu bar which contains the Home, Map, FAQs and Contact page links by tapping the symbol at the top of the screen which looks like three horizontal lines or by tapping the title of the website.
You can zoom in and out by either using the scroll button on your mouse (or pinch the screen if using a mobile device). You can also zoom using the plus and minus symbols in the bottom right-hand corner of the map.
To move around and explore the different areas of the map, simply left-click and drag in the direction you wish to go. If using a mobile device, use two fingers to move around when looking at the map view.
You can change how you view the map between the basic mapping imagery and satellite imagery. To do this, simply click on ‘Satellite’ in the top left-hand corner of the map.
To access Street View, simply drag the little yellow person icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the map to the area you would like to view and release it on the blue line which appears in that area. You will still be able to select flags that are within your sight to access information on that listing.
You can move around in Street View by clicking on the large arrows that appear on the road, and using the zoom function to look at something closer up, or from further away. Then to exit Street View, press the back arrow that appears in the top left-hand corner of the map, next to the address.
You can also drag the yellow person icon to one of the small blue circles, and once you release it you can view a 360o image of the area.
To view an item/listing, you can either select it from the left-hand sidebar that lists all the items within your search, or select a flag on the map. Once you select an item, a right-hand sidebar will appear which gives you some information about the listing. From this sidebar you can select ‘More Details’ to view extra information like the description and other available images.
You are able to print a screen shot of the map and the listings in your search by selecting the print symbol at the top right-hand corner of the left-hand sidebar (called 'Listings in current map view').
Includes arts and cultural private and public spaces such as theatres, workshops, galleries, training facilities, museums, libraries, and spaces that could be used for arts and cultural purposes.
This listing is for annual, biennial or regular arts and cultural festivals. This listing is not intended as a ‘What’s On’ calendar.
This listing includes artworks that are located in the public domain and viewable to everyone. This comprises a variety of forms such as: sculptures, murals, plaques, landscape (artwork inserted into or altering the immediate physical landscape, such as footpaths), mosaics and lighting.
This category refers to the creative industries which covers a broad range of activities. These are activities (according to UNESCO) in which “the product or service contains a substantial element of artistic or creative endeavour”. The Creative industries also incorporates cultural industries “which combine the creation, production and commercialization of creative contents which are intangible and cultural in nature”.
This category includes industries such as: advertising, marketing and promotions, architecture and urban planning, jewellery and crafts, design (product graphics and fashion design), film, TV, video, radio, photography, IT software, publishing, museums, galleries and libraries, performing arts, visual arts, art suppliers, consultants, music/sound, arts services, entertainment, and literature.
This category is comprised of those professionals practising in artistic areas like literature, music, dance, theatre, photography, film, drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, and culinary practices. It may include individuals and/or groups of artists.
This category is comprised of organisations that contribute to the creative and cultural fabric of the region. These include arts education, community art groups, historical and genealogical societies, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Organisations, multicultural organisations, artist run initiatives, performing arts groups, visual arts groups, writing groups, and choir/singing groups.
This listing includes built heritage, natural heritage, cemeteries, museums, and plaques and memorials. This list does not reflect the listing of buildings/sites that have statutory requirements attached to them. To access this list, please refer to the QLD Heritage Register.
The City Collections category is a showcase for artworks held by local Councils.
Operators of arts and cultural facilities, organisers of arts and cultural festivals, someone wanting to list public art, individual artists, and arts and cultural organisations and industries are able to submit information to the map. These people/groups must also be located within the appropriate local government area. If you feel that an item should be listed and you are not the responsible person for that item please let us know for our consideration.
To sign up and become a Contributor, select ‘Login’ or ‘Add a Listing’ at the top of the page. This will open with a window which allows you to login, or to register yourself/your organisation. After selecting ‘Register’, you will be directed to fill out your details:
User name
Contact name
Phone number
When you have filled these fields out and read through the FAQ's and our Terms and Conditions pages, select Register and a verification email will be sent to you. Once you verify your email address, you may login and begin creating and managing your listings.
If you accidentally double-clicked on the verification link sent to your email address, you may receive the message "Registration Confirmation Unsuccessful: Verification attempted with an invalid token or you have already verified your account". This is because double-clicking makes the website register that your email address has been verified twice and processes the second verification as invalid.
If your verification was successful, you should receive a welcome email and you can ignore the error message. If you did not receive a welcome email, please contact us through our contact page.
Once you have registered and created a new listing and submitted it for approval, it will be assessed by the Arts and Culture Map team. If there are any questions relating to your submission one of the team will contact you via phone or email. Once your submission is approved you will receive a confirmation email.
Submission assessment and subsequent approval may take up to ten working days.
To add listings to the site, refer to the How do I Create a Listing? section. Please also note that once you select 'Save Draft' or 'Save & Submit for Approval' you will be taken out of the edit page. If this does not occur, then your progress has not been saved. In order to save a draft, the 'Listing Title' and 'Overview' are required to be filled out, and to submit a listing, the following fields are required: Listing Title, Listing Web Page Address, Overview, Suburb, and Category and Subcategory.
In order to ensure the Arts and Culture Map remains effective and beneficial to everyone, all Contributors need to ensure that their information is correct and up to date at all times, particularly if your circumstances change.
Please contact the relevant Council and we will review the listing and action accordingly.
If you are the Contributor you can edit your own information. If the information has been contributed by someone else please let us know.
Select 'Login' at the top of the webpage and then select 'Forgot my Password'. An email with a link to reset your password will be sent to you using the email address you originally registered with.
If you work from home and do not want to display this information, please enter your suburb and move the point/flag on the map below to the corner of your street and into the middle of the road or to the nearest main road.
When editing your listing, you will be able to use the 'Locate from Address' button underneath the map if you type in the address, or you can drag the GPS marker to any location on the map by simply left-clicking and dragging to the appropriate place. Alternatively, you can double click on the desired location to place the marker there. For more information, please refer to page 15 of the User Guide.
We recommend only uploading 6 to 8 images per listing to ensure quick loading time for each page. The maximum number of images you can have is 10.
Also, please note that the maximum image file size for each image is 5MB.
Contact the appropriate Council and ask to talk to the officer in charge of the Arts and Culture Map
To create a new listing, select ‘View your listings’ and then select ‘Add New’ on the top left-hand corner of the screen. Alternatively, you can view all your listings by hovering over the left-hand sidebar and selecting ‘Listings’.
Once you select ‘Add New’, you will be directed to a page, where you can fill out all the details for your listing. Add a title, and then a short description under ‘Listing Content’. This should be under 200 words in length. Under ‘Overview’, you can add a few words that briefly describe your listing as well. For example, for a piece of public art, the overview could be the artist’s name.
This feature allows you to personalise the URL for your listing. In the box, write what you would like the extension/end of your URL for that listing to be (e.g. after For example, this could be the title of your listing. Any spaces you use will automatically be converted into hyphens after you save the listing. If another page has that URL address, then a number will automatically be added to the end as well.
Type in the street address for your listing under 'Address' on the right-hand side. The only required field is the suburb in order to submit a listing. It is also a requirement that your listing be located within the relevant local government area.
You will also be required to move the GPS location/marker on the map below to match your listings address. This can be done by selecting 'Locate from Address' which is located under the map. Or alternatively, you can use the map and zoom onto your location and double click to place the flag/point. From there you can left-click and drag and drop the point where it suits you.
For security purposes, as this is a public database, be aware that the address and phone number you put on your listing will be made public. If you do not wish for this to be the case, please adjust your listing to suit your requirements. If you work from home and do not wish to have that address displayed, please input your suburb and move the GPS point/flag to the corner of your street and into the middle of the road. You can preview what your listing will look like to the public by selecting ‘View’.
You are required to select one category for each of your listings. This is located under ‘Listing Details’ on the right-hand side of the screen. Simply click in the box for ‘Categories’, and the entire list of categories will be displayed. Select the one that best represents your listing. You then need to select at least one subcategory. You can list as many subcategories as you feel suitable. This helps a visitor find exactly what they are looking for. Click on the subcategory box once you have selected your category to see what's available.
You may also wish to include a website link, contact information, and/or social media links. This can be achieved by filling out the items shown on the right-hand side under ‘Listing Details’ and ‘Social Networks’.
You can add photos under ‘Listing Images’. Simply select the + symbol and choose the image you wish to upload. Please note that there is a 5MB file size limit for images.
Video Hosting - The Arts and Culture Map will only contain videos that are hosted through the Vimeo platform, and play in an embedded Vimeo player. The Arts and Culture Map will not accept any videos using another platform other than Vimeo. You are able to add to the url links area of your listing on the Arts and Culture Map in order to direct people to your website for video content on other platforms. Video Content - Videos uploaded to the map should showcase arts and cultural practice and/or your story as a creative, arts, cultural or heritage group. Video content that will not be approved includes shorts films, music film clips, advertisements etc. If you wish to showcase these, you are welcome to include a link to your website through your listing on the Arts and Culture Map in order to direct people to your other content. Video General Guidelines - Your video should be a maximum 5 minutes in length. The video should be of a professional and quality standard. Videos should not contain offensive or discriminatory content or language and should be rated for a General audience (i.e. G rated). Any material of political or religious nature will not be approved if it is deemed inappropriate on this platform. Video Approval Process - To have your video added to your listing you will need to email your Vimeo Link to As this is a Cairns Regional Council website, all videos will be approved by Arts and Culture Map administrators before being uploaded to the Arts and Culture Map. Approved videos will be selected to appear in the "Featured" section of the Video page at the map administrators' discretion and featured videos will be updated on a regular basis (depending on the volume of videos received). Saving and Submitting - Once you have filled out all the information that you want, select ‘Save Draft’ or 'Save & Submit for Approval'. Once you select either of these options, you will be taken out of the edit page. If this does not occur, then your progress has not been saved or submitted. In order to save or submit you will need to fill out the following sections: Listing Title, Listing Web Page Address, Overview, Suburb, and Category and Subcategory.
Once you have submitted your listing for approval it will then be assessed by the Arts and Culture Map team at the relevant Council. If there are any questions relating to your submission, you will be contacted via phone or email. The assessment process may take up to ten working days, and once approval is granted, you will receive a confirmation email, and your listing will be visible on the website.
If your listing comes under multiple categories, then you should list it multiple times under separate listings. For example, if you are an organisation that has a space for hire and an annual festival, then you would have 3 separate listings - one under Organisations, another under Facilities and Spaces and a final one under Festivals.
When selecting ‘View your listings’ from the Dashboard or from selecting ‘Listings’ from the right-hand sidebar, you will be able to see all of the listings that you have created. From this list, you will be able to view, edit or delete your listing. ‘View’ opens up a separate window which displays what your listing will look like on the website.
‘Edit’ will take you to the same page as when you first created the listing. Once you have made the necessary changes, select ‘Save and Submit for Approval’. This will be sent for approval to one of the Arts and Culture Map team at the relevant Council which may take up to ten working days. During this time your listing will stay as is until the changes are approved.
‘Delete’ will remove your listing from the website.
It is recommended that you update your listing regularly to ensure that information is correct and up to date.
If your listing is a festival or event, it is recommended that you include the date/s of your event within the title. The format to use is Title − Day Month, Year. For example, “Event Name − 1 January, 2022”.
Ensure that you continue to update the date of your festival. If the next date has not been set, state "Event Name - Date yet to be determined".
To ensure that everyone feels comfortable and safe joining and exploring the Map, comments containing obscene or vulgar language, abuse, personal attacks, offensive terms, or hate speech of any kind will not be approved and you will be asked to resubmit your listing.